Mücke's Musings on MMORPG Making

"Die Spieler machen das Spiel."

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I can be contacted as hobold at this domain name.


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Tracking 08: Cataclysm Post Mortem - Daily Quests

This entry is meant to keep track of a posting on Blizzard's forums, just for convenience.


#35. Advanced: Killers Revisited - I'll call 'em Dominators

Where seekers and achievers focus their efforts on the game world, killers and socializers, in contrast, direct their attention towards the other players. I have begun to believe that killer is the least understood of the four motivations, and that this is due to the label "killer", which is overly restrictive. I want to promote a more open view on this motivation, and to this end I am offering a new name for it: Dominator.

Through the eyes of a Dominator, a virtual world mostly looks like a contest of wills. This does not mean that a Dominator is necessarily confrontative, or headstrong, or defiant. It just means that a Dominator is exceptionally perceptive of even subtle and unspoken power structures. As a consequence, Dominators usually choose their leaders very carefully. If they cannot follow anybody who they deem a good leader, they are quite likely to step up and try to fill that gap.

Of all people, a Dominator tends to know best how darn difficult it is to be a good leader. Therefor, not all of them will readily accept the responsibility. In the absence of acceptable leadership and guidance, and without the responsibilities of being a leader, a Dominator can turn renegade. As a classical killer, ganker, or griefer, a Dominator can very obviously assert his own power and control over others.

Now, I don't mean to excuse such behaviour. But it is important to me to explain that at the core of even the most annoying such spoilsport, there is something which is not inherently selfish or evil:

For a Dominator, the most important thing in life is to be master of your own fate, not be a victim of circumstance, and never somebody else's pawn.


Tracking 07: Praising the Devs

This entry is meant to keep track of a posting on Blizzard's forums, just for convenience.


Older Entries:
33, 34
(not numbered)
31, 32
27 - 30
24, 25
16 - 23
0 - 15


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I can be contacted as hobold at this domain name.